MSD Members Area - Online learning

Earn a badge

Learn to earn, complete and practice the following videos when you think you have mastered the technique or exercise ask your instructor if you can try for a badge, some karate lessons will have a theme on specific badges.

Top 10 badges.

  1. Tie your belt on your own. (2 minutes)
  2. Student creed, memorize and recite.
  3. Full rising block, 50 repetitions of technique to set standard.
  4. Star jumps, 20 repetitions of exercise to set standard.
  5. Round house, 50 repetitions of technique to set standard.
  6. Stretching routine to be memorized and shown.
  7. Semi rising block, 50 repetitions of technique to set standard.
  8. Push ups, 20 repetitions of exercise to set standard.
  9. Side kick, 50 repetitions of technique to set standard.
  10. Forward roll, 10 times back into starting position.

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